All you need is MEOW!
Saying this We, Zarathustra the Cat, art-eater, We are opening a new rubric of Our blog – Arrrt Crrriticism. Now you will have a genuine cat opinion on contemporary arts events and tendencies around the world.

All you need is MEOW! (CMYK version) - remake of LOVE (CMYK versionn) by art-group Pprofessors (that is remake of «LOVE» by Robert Indiana )
Our first demonstration of Our wisdom applies to such tendency in art as pussmodernism. Many artists prefer not to create their own subjects of art pieces (in fact there is nothing new in the world) but to revisit reknown subjects and improve them thoroughly. For exemple, to revisite Joconde and improve her with moustache or better with a puss. That is why this art-tendency is called puss-modernism. The slogan of this movement is “Cats make everything better!”. Some ignoramuses call this art-tendency as “postmodernism” but you understand how they are wrong.
Pussmodernism is as successfull in art as franchising in Hollywood cinema: public prefers to re-visit 4th Terminator as it is their habit than violate their brains with new arthaus masterpiece.
That is the case of the Kyiv Sculpture Project 2012, the first International Festival of Contemporary Sculpture in Ukraine. There the fight for the Public Choice Award is held between two remakes: “The Button” by Ukrainian art group GREVIS (inspired by large scale objects by Claes Oldenburg) and “LOVE (CMYK version)” by Russian art-group Pprofessors (that is remake of «LOVE» by Robert Indiana )
We noticed this trend and said our “MEOW!”. The object that you can find above on this page is the remake of Pprofessors’ “LOVE”, that means it is a remake of remake.
Having thought a little bit and having had snacks a lot, We decided not to interrupt the flight of Our imagination and to improve our improvement in the best traditions of the puss-modernism. Puss must have moustache:
The object “MEOW – Stereo version” is a remake of “LOVE (CMYK version)” by art-group Pprofessors that is a remake of «LOVE» by Robert Indiana; the moustache on it is a remake of L.H.O.O.Q. by Marcel Duchamp; the shape of the moustache is a remake of “Skifcha Stereo version” by Denis Borisovich that is a remake of his own original work.
Wow! Puss-modernism is not so easy as some ignoramuses think.
P.S. If some of you cats or cat lovers will visit Kiev this weekend please to to Botanical garden to see the sculptures exhibition and say your Meow! for LOVE because it is more self-contained than the Button: you need no clothes for it.
More facts for your reflections:
And further in the depth of the history of art: